stake out / ˈsteɪkˌaʊt /


stake out 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the surveillance of a location by the police, as in anticipation of a crime or the arrival of a wanted person.
  2. the place from which such surveillance is carried out.
  3. something that is bounded or separated by or as if by stakes, especially property, territory, or the like that one identifies or claims as one's own.

stake out 近义词

stake out

等同于 vigil

stake out

等同于 investigate

stake out

等同于 mark

stake out

等同于 scout

stake out

等同于 spy

stake out

等同于 survey

stake out

等同于 claim

stake out

等同于 define

更多stake out例句

  1. The team did stakeouts while the unsuspecting neighborhood slept.
  2. After a short stakeout, police nabbed Kid Riviera at a South Side apartment building.
  3. These stakeouts lasted four hours on average, although they could run as long as 30 hours.
  4. When you're a reporter it's a stakeout; when you're a blogger, it's just stalking.
  5. It's your first time with this stakeout business, that's all.